Partners or adversaries?

Partners or adversaries - Stevo MukPublic participation in the development of public policies is aimed at improving these policies, as the involvement of other actors outside of the Government maximises resources available to a society.

Partners or adversaries – Stevo Muk – complete text

European pulse No 42

Partneri ili protivnici?

Partneri ili protivnici - Stevo MukUčešće javnosti u procesima razvoja javnih politika ima za cilj kvalitetnije javne politike jer se uključenjem drugih aktera van Vlade maksimiziraju resursi koje jedno društvo ima.

Partneri ili protivnici – Stevo Muk – cjelokupan tekst

Objavljeno u Evropskom pulsu br. 42

Severance pays or party decorations

Severance pays or party decorations - Stevo MukIn December 2008, net average wage in Montenegro was 443 euros. The basic, officially reported net salary of a minister in the Government of Montenegro is between 700 and 1100 euros. President of Montenegro earns over 1000 euros per month.

Severance pays for some 8000 workers, so-called “victims of transition” in the period 2000-2008 distributed by the government in late 2008 and early 2009 amount to 1926 euros per person.

Severance pays or party decorations – Stevo Muk – complete text

European pulse No 41

Otpremnine kao partijsko ordenje

Posječna neto zarada u Crnoj Gori u decembru 2008. godine iznosila je 443 eura. Osnovna, zvanična prijavljena neto plata ministara u Vladi Crne Gore iznosi između 700 i 1,100 eura. Predsjednik Crne Gore ima platu od preko 1,000 eura.

Otpremnine za oko 8,000 radnika, tzv. “žrtava tranzicije” iz perioda od 2000 do 2008. koje je Vlada podijelila prošle i početkom ove godine iznosi po 1,926 eura.

Otpremnine kao partijsko ordenje – Stevo Muk – cjelokupan tekst

Objavljeno u Evropskom pulsu br. 41


The Case of the First Bank – The experiences for the supervisor and other decision makers

The First Bank of Montenegro founded in 1901, the newly acquired name, was an insignificant bank, located in the workers town in the central part of the country until 2006. Next couple of years, this bank succeeded to increase its assets by 24 times, through supervisory non-approved investments in the bank’s share capital from large number of local businessmen and high level political profiles, accompanied by aggressive and not always competitive-driven attraction of deposits from the clients. In less than two years it managed to replace the end of the banks’ market share list with the second place among the reputable and strong competitors. Aggregately, this provincial bank suddenly received abundant funds for unsustainable expansion and implementation of business illusion that only with a strong marketing campaign and with a team of managers who had little or doubtful working experience in banking business could achieve, in very short time, strategically unfeasible ambition to take over the leading role in the banking system.

The first risk-bearing market signs about limited liquidity and solvency of FB MN 1901 were noted in the beginning of 2007; more transparently in the beginning of 2008, as the bank constantly was failing to execute domestic and foreign payments’ orders from clients. Almost by the end of 2008, relevant institutions were too slow and passive to publicly acknowledge the crisis and to face with the system’s disruption caused by the FB MN 1901 insolvency. Furthermore, the situation resulted in systemic risk of the country’s banking sector, that recalled unpleasant memories from the ‘90s when savings “disappeared” from banking balance sheets leaving clients with nominal figures on the accounts, and had strong negative impact on reputation of the country’s overall financial system with significant deposits’ withdrawal.

The legislative solution regarding the protection of banking sector from negative effects of global financial crisis was adopted by the end of the previous year. It provided systemic and regulatory framework for monetary support to FB MN 1901’s liquidity position at the amount of €44 million. The major goals of this facilitation mechanism were: to relax the market and prevent against the panic; to improve confidence and decrease sudden and strong mistrust of clients; to completely execute the domestic and foreign payment’s orders that have been pilled up in the bank’s documentations for several months.

To summarize, semi-decennial national economic reforms strengthened the neo-liberal standing that financial system’s supervision is not necessary and has no market oriented benefits, provided that economic growth will be achieved through significant growth rates, and resulted in full pacification of the national banking sector supervisor from the end of 2006. Therefore, the CBM’s failure of anticipating the roots of the liquidity crisis within the banking system, which originated in FB MN 1901 operations, it could be found surprising from professional point of view, but it had to be systemically and logically expected. Institutional weaknesses and policy limitations in the implementation of CBM competencies have to be subject of future adjustments and corrections, following that Montenegro’s economic system is not yet viable to endure the collapse of the banking business accomplished reforms, which would help to regain and further improve citizens and clients confidence in the country’s banking sector performance.

Slučaj Prve Banke – Iskustva za supervizora i ostale nosioce odluka

Do polovine 2006. godine Prva banka Crne Gore, osnovana 1901 je predstavljala malu banku iz radničkog grada centralnog dijela zemlje. U narednih par godina ova banka je uspijela, različitim neprincipijelnim modelima investiranja u kapital banke od strane velikog broja domaćih biznismena i političkih profila, a i uz agresivno, ali ne uvijek poslovno, sakupljanje depozita na tržištu, da se uveća za preko 24 puta, a za manje od dvije godine da začelje tržišnog učešća u sistemu zamijeni drugom pozicijom među konkurentima.

Agregatno, ova malena banka iz provincije odjednom dobija značajne fondove za proširenje i implementaciju neodržive zablude da se samo na osnovu sveprisutne marketinške kampanje i uz tim upravljačkih i menadžerskih profila bez podrobnijeg iskustva u praćenju rasta bankom, može ostvariti, u veoma kratkom roku, strateški nefizibilna ambicija preuzimanja liderskog mjesta u bankarskom sistemu.

Polovinom 2007. godine, a značajnije, transparentnije i jasnije početkom 2008. godine, uočavaju se prvi strukturniji tržišni signali o limitiranoj likvidnosti PB CG 1901, koja je najjače bila izražena kroz nerealizaciju naloga domaćeg i inostranog platnog prometa. Javno suočavanje sa poremećajem ugrožavanja ukupne likvidnosti PB CG 1901 se institucionalno prihvata relativno kasno, krajem oktobra 2008. godine, čime se ukupni bankarski sektor dovodi u stanje sistemskog rizika koje je ličilo na početke 90-tih, i time imalo snažan negativan reputacioni efekat na ukupan finansijski sistem zemlje.

Krajem 2008. godine, donosi se zakonsko rješenje o zaštiti bankarskog sektora od negativnih efekata globalne finansijske krize, koji obezbjeđuje sistemske i regulatorne mehanizme za odobrenje kreditne podrške PB CG 1901 u vrijednosti od €44 miliona, s ciljem umirenja ukupnog tržišta i zaustavljanja panike; smanjenja nepovjerenja komitenata; izvršenja nagomilanih naloga unutrašnjeg i inostranog platnog prometa koji su, niz mjeseci ranije, bili slagani u dokumentaciji banke.

Sistemski rekapitulirano, u posljednjih pet godina ukupnih reformi nacionalne ekonomije institucionalno/politički kontinuirano je jačala opcija neoliberalnog promišljanja da je supervizija finansijskog sitema nepotrebna, što je na kraju rezultiralo pasiviziranjem nacionalnog regulatora banaka već krajem 2006. godine. Stoga je neuspješnost CB CG da anticipira autohtone uzroke krize likvidnosti unutar bankarskog sektora zemlje, izazavane krizom u PB CG 1901, stručno iznenađujuća, ali sistemski očekivana.

Uočeni institucionalni nedostaci u sprovođenju ovlašćenja se mogu i moraju ispravljati pošto ekonomski sistem Crne Gore nema kapacitete da istrpi urušavanje postignutih nivoa bankarskog poslovanja, jer se samo na taj način održava i produbljuje povjerenje koje građani još uvijek imaju prema bankarskom sektoru zemlje.