Reaction to the Allegations of the Ministry of Public Administration

Reaction to the allegations of the Ministry of Public Administration and today’s publishment of the expert opinions on the draft laws on free access to information

Non-governmental organisations and journalists do not oppose public debate and additional consultations. On the contrary! We only ask to organise debate after the establishment of regular circumstances for work and participation of all concerned. The Ministry of Public Administration published today two expert opinions on earlier draft law versions. One of the opinions is negative, while the other one is positive concerning to some of the legal solutions, which was given in December last year. In any case, based on these opinions, the conclusion imposed on the public by the MPA can not be derived. The MPA plentifully referes to the „green light“ given by the European Commission as an argument that the newest draft is in accordance with international standards. However, the MPA can not offer the document to the public that can prove the consent given and the argumentation of the eventual stance.

This kind of proceeding by the MPA brings additional confusion and presents additional difficulties to interested NGOs and media to get acquainted with content of these documents, but also an obligation to communicate with the Delegation of the EU and the European Commission in order to get acquainted with the official stances. However, some of the documents were published in English language which is not required to be known by every citizen interested in participating in the debate.  All of this is another argument that consultations should be postponed for the time when we won’t be burdened by the actual situation and the restrictions of work, so we can all join a quality debate.

There is no reason to rush and have a low quality debate during the „emergency situation“. Especially since neither the Government, nor the Parliament is functioning in a regular way. The Government does not meet, it functions in emergency situation mainly through electronic sessions and telephone approvals. The Parliament does not meet and it is not known when the next plenary session will be held. When the next session is held, the Parliament will have much more important and urgent topics, laws and policies on the agenda with the aim of alleviating economic and social consequences caused by coronavirus pandemic.


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