Regional TEN Conference on the Public Administration performance

TEN network, consisting of Institute Alternative (IA), European Policy Centre (CEP) and European Policy Institute (EPI), held a two-day regional conference “Improving Performance of Public Administration: Current Experiences and Future Perspectives “.

Focus of the conference was the role and significance of performance audit and policy evaluation for the improvement of policy making and achieving better public administration in the context of the EU accession process.

Stevo Muk, president of Managing Board in IA and Malinka Ristevska Jordanova, director of EPI and agreed that is very important to have regional cooperation in the negotiating process, in form of exchanging national experiences, as well as cooperation with civil society.

Later that day TEN researchers Jovana Marovic (IA), Milena Lazarevic (CEP) and Simonida discussed with Jasna Atanasijevic, Director of Public Policy Secretariat in Serbia and Gerhard Hammerschmid, Hertie School of Governance from Berlin. Kacarski (EPI) presented their joint study “Performance Audit and Policy Evaluation in the Western Balkans: On the Same or Parallel Tracks?” On findings and recommendations they di

The remaining two panels of first conference day also had productive discussion, “Feeding performance audit results into policy development: What are the odds?“ moderated by Simonida Kacarska (EPI) and “EU as the Driving Factor in the Improvement of Government Accountability and Performance in the Western Balkans” moderated by Zorana Gajic (ReSPA).

The second day was reserved for national experiences exchange in field of public administration reform. Working groups of experts and researchers from the region and Europe discussed does policy evaluation matter, what is performance and delivery of public administration and haw to improve policy-making. The working groups were moderated by Marko Sosic (IA), Milos Djindjic (CEP) and Kristina Cuculoska (EPI).

Check out the short video about the conference highlights below:

The Conference is being organised within the project Performance Audit and Policy Evaluation: On the Same or Parallel Tracks supported by the Regional Research Promotion Programme in the Western Balkans (RRPP), financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).


Announcement: Panel discussion “How to Combat Corruption in Public Procurement”

Institute alternative (IA) organizes a panel discussion “How to Combat Corruption in Public Procurement?” with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands. The event will be held on Wednesday, September 16th, with the beginning at 12 a.m. at PR Center.

The speakers of the panel will be:

  • Stevo MUK, President of the Managing Board of Institute Alternative
  • Mara BOGAVAC, Director Assistant of Public Procurement Administration
  • Suzana PRIBILOVIĆ, President of the State Commission for the Control of Public Procurement Procedures
  • Aleksandar DAMJANOVIĆ, Chairperson of the Committee on Economy, Finance and Budget.

The moderator of the discussion will be Jovana MAROVIĆ, research coordinator at Institute alternative.

This panel discussion is the closing event of the one-year long project. Along with the monitoring findings of the Institute Alternative, the results of the public opinion survey on perception of citizens on corruption in public procurement, conducted by IPSOS Strategic Marketing for purposes of IA, will also be presented at this event.

Panel discussion “How to fight against corruption in public procurement?” was organised within the project Civil Society and Citizens against Corruption in Public procurement, which is implemented by the Institute alternative with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of Netherlands. The project activities are aimed at strengthening cooperation between state and non-state actors in recognising irregularities in public procurement procedures and formulation of recommendations for improvement.

Presentation of new data on web portal on local budgets – Moj Grad (My City)

Presentation of the project results

“Monitoring of the local budgets in Montenegro –

Institute alternative, in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) in Montenegro and the Ministry of Finance organizes presentation of the results of the project “Monitoring of the local budget in Montenegro –”

Introductory remarks:

  • Nikola Vukićević, Deputy Minister for Budget at Ministry of Finance
  • Sanja Bojanić, Democratic Governance and Economy and Environment Team Leader at UNDP Montenegro
  • Stevo Muk, President of the Managing Board at Institute alternative

Presentation of project results:

  • Marko Sošić, Public Policy Researcher at Institute alternative

Address: UN Eco Building, Stanka Dragojevica bb, Podgorica, Montenegro

Date: Wednesday, 16th September 2015, 11. a.m.

The web portal is a project of visualization of budget data at the local level and is the first of its kind in Montenegro. The web portal provides the ability search for budget data for each municipality separately, and the possibility of data comparison with other municipalities or regions, according to the established range of indicators. Budget visualization is the result of the project “Monitoring of local budgets” aimed at increasing the transparency of local finances, implemented by NGO Alternative Institute in cooperation with the United Nations Development Programme, and with the financial support of the Ministry of Finance.

In addition to budget data, the web portal contains the audit reports of the final account, explanations of key budget concepts and budget cycle at the local level, as well as the most interesting media articles on local finances. The Strategic Development Plan of the Capital is also visualised in order to make the planned projects more receptive.

For additional information, please contact:

Nađa Radulović, Public Relations at Ministry of Finance of Montenegro,

Tel: +382 20 224 – 581; E-mail:

Marko Sošić, Public Policy Researcher at IA,

Tel. 020 268 686, Mob: 067 239 807, E-mail:

Ivana Vujović, Communication assistant at UNDP in Montenegro,

Tel: +382 20 44 74 41, Mob: 069 681 222, E-mail:

Negotiations between Montenegro and the EU: Data access for the privileged only

The negotiation process for Montenegro’s accession to the European Union has placed a whole series of formal requests and recommendations for improvements to public policies before the country. Up to this date, 20 chapters of the aquis have been opened, of which 2 have been provisionally closed.

While when it comes to technical fulfilment of preconditions for membership the negotiation process can be described as improved, as illustrated by the large number of chapters which have been opened, negotiations are nonetheless characterized by a lack of results and restrictions placed on access to information about the process. Although the process of Montenegro’s negotiations with the European Union has been more specific and transparent in comparison to previous accessions, the following three important phenomena can be recognised as having contributed to the process’s lack of transparency:

- Decisions on chapters related to the fight against corruption and organized crime being made “behind closed doors” as a result of the “increasing” role of the Rule of Law Council

- Imprecise and biased reporting on the implementation of the action plans for chapters 23 and 24 – Judiciary and Fundamental Rights; and Justice, Freedom and Security

- Access denied to the European Commission’s opinion on key legislation, as well as the reports of the EU’s peer review

Vox populi – The key indicator of the state of affairs in the public administration

Institute Alternative (IA) has urged the media to pay extra attention to the content of the complaints submitted on their interactive website “My Administration”, since they abound with stories of concrete realization of fundamental human rights regarding the state administration.

Today IA has organised a presentation of the findings of the project “Public Administration in Montenegro: Equal for All”, financially supported by the U.S. Embassy in Podgorica, at PR Center.

“Within this project we continued the monitoring of recruitment and promotion in state authorities, but also, in cooperation with the Human Resources Administration, we have prepared a guide for applicants for work in state authorities. Strategically committed to make their work closer to the citizens by using modern technologies, we have also launched a new interactive website “Moja uprava” (My administration) recalled Stevo Muk, President of the Managing Board at IA.

“Public administration reform is not and should not be technical process that is being implemented isolated from the citizens, but has concrete consequences for them – and this is perhaps the most distinctive reflected when it comes to employment in state authorities” he added.

Milena Milosevic stressed that the IA has given a response to the question to what extent the recruitment is based on merits in the monitoring report published in April. Complaints submitted on web portal My administration only confirmed the key issues in the implementation of the Law on Civil Servants and State Employees.

These key issues are: the elders’ arbitrariness when selecting candidates, irregularities in the aptitude test, dissatisfaction of the candidates who have been employed on a temporary basis and who have found themselves in a kind of legal vacuum after the start of the implementation of the new Law on Civil Servants and State Employees.

“The irregularities in the aptitude test pointed out by the candidates are particularly important, because we can not know what is happening on the spot,” said Milosevic, pointing to the example of complaint which indicates that the job announcements are “setup”, so certain candidates receive questions and answers in advance by state authorities who prepare them.

“In the first monitoring report on recruitment and promotion in state authorities, IA pointed to the omission to adequately solve the legal status of civil servants employed in public administration on a temporary basis before starting the implementation of the Law on Civil Servants, which made the safety of the jobs of these employees significantly compromised”, reminded Milosevic, pointing to cases in which individuals have been employed on a temporary basis for more than 15 years.

“Unfortunately, the civil servants who have lost their jobs because the state authorities illegally kept them employed on a temporary basis for years, have no legal foundation to seek protection of their rights because the competent institutions believe that the provision on the automatic transformation from fixed term contract into indefinite contract does not apply to them”, she added.

The lack of depoliticisation of Senior Civil Servants in the state administration was also pointed out at the event, stressing that senior managers are still more serving political parties rather than citizens.

Jovana Marovic, research coordinator at IA, spoke, among other things, about the reform of public administration in the context of negotiations with the European Union.

“Reporting on public administration reform in the context of anti-corruption activities under Chapter 23 is poor”, she stressed.

“For more than two years of commencement of the implementation of the Law, preconditions for its implementation at the local level have not been created”, said Marovic, adding that the public is not allowed access to the amendments to the draft Law on Local Self-Government.

“Regardless of at least 2,300 redundant employees in the country’s municipalities, local governments continue to employ”.

Representatives of the IA announced that they will continue to advocate the key findings and recommendations of the project “State Administration in Montenegro: Equal for All!” through their membership in working groups for amending the Law on Civil Servants and State Employees and the preparation of the Strategy for Public Administration Reform for the period 2016-2020.

Announcement: Presentation of the findings of the project “State Administration: Equal For All!”

Institute alternative invites you to attend the presentation of results of the project “State Administration in Montenegro – Equal for All!”, financially supported by the U.S. Embassy in Podgorica, that will take place on 7th September at 11 a.m. at PR Center.

This event, in addition to presenting the key findings of the project, aims at building the capacity of the media to monitor issues in the field of public administration reform, particularly recruitment and promotion in state authorities.

The event will, among other things, provide an opportunity to find out about the most common problems that people face when applying for work in state authorities, worthy of intense media attention.

The problems which are a barrier to citizens to get the job based on merits, point to the systemic deficiencies of the Law on Civil Servants and State Employees, whose amendments are planned later this year. At this event you will also have an opportunity to hear more about what are the gaps in the legislative framework which counteract establishment of a merit based system in state authorities – one of the main goals of the reform of our public administration.

The speakers will be:

  • Stevo Muk, President of the Managing board of Institute alternative
  • Jovana Marović, Research Coordinator
  • Milena Milošević, Public Policy Researcher.