Over the following three months, the research team of Institute Alternative will work on drafting a comparative study on models of internal police oversight in the three selected EU countries.

Supported by the OSCE Mission to Montenegro, IA is starting to work on the new research project with an overall objective to contribute to the transformation of Montenegrin police into a professional police service that enjoys the confidence and respect of its citizens. Improvement of the internal police oversight mechanisms directly affects the improvement of accountability of police officers. This comparative study will provide a detailed overview of oversight mechanisms (modus operandi) and instruments for efficient detection and prevention of abuse in the three selected EU countries, as well as an analysis of challenges and opportunities for improving the functioning of internal police oversight. On the basis of this research, concrete recommendations for reform of the Montenegrin model will be formulated. Consequently, through these recommendations, IA will influence the government’s policy in this area. “The fight against corruption within their own ranks” is one of the segments of the Government’s Action Plan for Chapter 23 “Judiciary and Fundamental Rights” with measures related to strengthening the role of internal oversight mechanisms. Implementation of these measures is currently in progress.
This analysis is one of IA activities within the framework of the program “Security and Defense”, aimed at improving functionality and strengthening integrity in the area of security and defense. For this purpose, we are especially dedicated to democratic and civilian control – parliamentary oversight, internal controls, civilian and judicial review of the legality in this sector, as well as the one carried out by the independent institutions.