Fight against the corruption in the region – SELDI network

Through membership in the SELDI coalition and based on its research work in numerous areas of high risk for corruption, Institute Alternative contributes to strengthening of anti-corruption mechanisms at the regional level.

SELDI (Southeast Europe Leadership for Development and Integrity) is the coalition created with the aim of strengthening regional mechanisms of combating corruption and improving good governance. The coalition was created in November 2012 by 17 likeminded civil society organizations from nine countries. The members of the Coalition and more than 140 stakeholders fighting against corruption defined the Strategy and the Action Plan, which stipulate the mission and objectives of SELDI by the end of 2016.

Within its work so far, members of the SELDI coalition prepared two publications related to the most important challenges for combating corruption in South East Europe, as well as anti-corruption monitoring instruments and one policy brief. In the analysis of SELDI network, Institute Alternative is, together with the other partner from Montenegro, in charge of drafting chapters referring to Montenegro. The publications are available at the following link:

Besides Institute Alternative, founders and members of SELDI coalition are:

Albanian Center for Economic Research (ACER), Albania,

Center for Democratic Transition (CDT), Montenegro,

Center for Investigative Reporting (CIN), Bosnia and Herzegovina,

Center for Liberal-Democratic Studies (CLDS), Serbia

Center for the Study of Democracy (CSD), Bulgaria,

Forum of Civic Action FORCA Pozega, Serbia,

House of Europe (HoE), Albania,

Institute for Democracy ‘Societas Civilis’ Skopje (IDSCS), Republic of Macedonia,

Instituti Riinvest, Kosovo,

Kosovo Law Institute (KLI), Kosovo,

Macedonian Center for International Cooperation (MCIC), Republic of Macedonia,

Ohrid Institute for Economic Strategies and International Affairs, Republic of Macedonia,

Partnership for Social Development (PSD), Croatia,

Regional Anticorruption Initiative (RAI) Secretariat, Bosnia and Herzegovina,

“Syri i Vizionit”, Kosovo,

Turkish Economic and Social Studies Foundation (TESEV), Turkey.