Monitoring Report: Performance of Five Parliamentary Committees

The observed period of work of the Parliament of Montenegro was marked by numerous political crises that also affected the activities of the working bodies. Despite the dissolution of the Parliament and a no-confidence motion against the Government, the practice of debating legislative proposals that do not meet basic public criteria has continued.

In the period from the dissolution of the Assembly to the formation of the new, 28th convocation, as many as 27 legislative proposals were submitted to the parliamentary procedure, 18 of which were proposed by the Government, while 9 were submitted by members of parliament. The dynamic period that affected the work of the Parliament of Montenegro also affected its working bodies, so the committees mostly worked without adopted work plans, which made it difficult to assess the realisation of their activities.

In this analysis, we provide a cross-section of the work of five parliamentary committees: Committee for Political System, Justice, and Administration, Committee for Security and Defense, Committee for Human Rights and Freedoms, Committee for Anti-Corruption, and Committee for Economy, Finance and Budget, in the period from October 2022. until October 2023.

Numerous problems that were observed in the earlier periods of the committee's work continued in this one as well, such as the holding of hearings that are not accompanied by appropriate reports with conclusions and recommendations, the failure to adopt reports on the work of institutions without recommendations for their improvement and the adoption of legal amendments without discussion...

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