Lack of oversight over carrying out public procurement is worrisome

Inspection for public procurement conducted only 84 inspection controls in 2013. Since the key problem in the field of public procurement, according to the European Commission, are irregularities in the implementation of the Law, meaning weak implementation capacities of the competent authorities, it is necessary to create conditions for adequate supervision over the implementation of public procurement procedures as soon as possible.

Even though in November the number of working positions that have been filled in the Department for inspection supervision of public procurement of Administration for Inspection Affairs have increased from one to two, inspectors have conducted fewer inspection controls when compared to the year 2012, when a total of 109 inspection controls have been conducted.

Bearing in mind that the number of parties obliged to adhere to the Law on Public Procurement amounts to 698, it is clear that the capacities of the Administration for Inspection Affairs in relation to the field of public procurement are still limited. Therefore, it is necessary to increase the number of inspectors for one more as soon as possible, especially having in mind that the Administration for Inspection Affairs has 3 systematized working positions for the Department for inspection supervision of public procurement. Additionally, it is necessary to remind that this is one of the responsibilities undertaken by the Action Plan for Chapter 23. Specifically, the Action Plan for the area of the Acquis related to the negotiation chapter 23 – Judiciary and Fundamental Rights emphasizes the need for strengthening the capacities of the competent authorities for supervision over application of awarded contracts through the authorized officers and increase of the number of inspection controls, with the deadline for realization of this envisaged measure set for January 2014.

Strengthening administrative capacities of Inspection for Public Procurement is one of the preconditions for improvement of control in this area, meaning ensuring greater number of inspection controls to be conducted in 2014. Therefore, it needs to be realized as soon as possible.

Jovana Marović
Research Coordinator

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