Despite the progress, citizens continue to be critical in assessment of the state administration

Although more than 60% of the citizens believe that the quality of work of the public administration is bad, they assess the work of the state authorities better than three years ago, according to the survey of public opinion, conducted by Ipsos Strategic Marketing for the purposes of Institute alternative (IA).

One quarter of the respondents (25%) said that quality of the work of the state authorities has improved in last three years.

Over half of respondents, 52%, believe that the quality of work of the public administration is at the same level, while 17% of them consider it worse.

However, the general assessment of the quality of the work of the state administration has improved to some extent. The percent of citizens who consider the quality of work as bad is lower when compared to 2012.

Three years ago, 68% respondents assessed the quality of the work as bad, while this year 62% gave the same answer.

More than one third of the respondents (35%) are satisfied with the quality of work of our administration.

In this general assessment, there are some deviations which are usually determined by regional differences, ethnicity and education level.

In terms of education, respondents with secondary education are the most severe when it comes to assessment of the quality, while the regional differences come to the fore in this area as well, because citizens from the north assess the quality of state administration significantly worse in relation to others.

Likewise, in terms of ethnicity, the Serbs are the most critical to the work of state organs, because the vast majority of them, 81%, believe that the quality of work is poor.

If we look at a longer time period, the “image” of the state administration in the eyes of citizens in the past five years has decreased, as the average score for quality of its work, on a scale of 1 to 10, fell from 6 to 4.8.

A public opinion survey on the work of the state administration, for the purposes of IA, was conducted in the period between April 3rd and 9th this year, on a sample of 1062 respondents. It took place in 17 cities in Montenegro, 130 territories of polling stations, urban, suburban and rural environment.

IA in its work seeks to contribute to the better quality of work of the state administration

One of the main principles of our work is to offer recommendations based on analysis and proofs, therefore one of the goals in our further work will be the usage and deeper analysis of the data gained on the basis of this survey, as well as the advocacy for the more efficient reform of the state administration.

Stevo MUK

President of the Managing Board

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