Appointing the member of the State Audit’s Senate – Time for a decision!

Appointment of the fifth member of the Senate of the State Audit Institution represents an opportunity for the Social Democratic Party (SDP) to support, in cooperation with the minority parties, the candidate with the best professional qualifications, instead of the candidates Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) persistently supports despite the obvious flaws and remarks given by the experts in the field.

Administrative Committee of the Parliament heard the candidates for the fifth member of the State Audit’s Senate, in an attempt to fulfill its responsibility after almost four years and provide an adequate candidate for the position. We believe that there is no more time to waste – the agreement on the best nominee and the one with the greatest plausibility of being supported by the plenary assembly needs to be reached at once.

There are several nominees that should be immediately excluded from the selection procedure, due to the fact that they earned negative assessment for their previous professional engagement by the State Audit Institution itself.

In addition, there are candidates which have already obtained a negative vote from the plenary assembly of the Parliament, so it makes little sense to propose them again.

Furthermore, there are nominees that have no previous professional experience related to auditing. If the MPs do not want for the new Senate member to spend first couple of years learning how to properly do his/her job instead of improving the work of the Institution, the choice is clear.

On the other hand, several nominees distinguish themselves with professional experience and references, which ought to be the sole criteria for appointment to such an important position.

The greatest responsibility for ensuring that the best candidate is appointed lies within the opposition and the Social Democratic Party (SDP), bearing in mind that the Democratic Party of Socialists (DPS) have already proven to be lead by different criteria. By doing this, the Parliament will, after almost four years, fulfill its responsibility and ensure that the Senate of the State Audit Institution works at full capacity.

Public Policy Researcher

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