Round table on mapping of services of social protection in Montenegro

Today many representatives of CSOs, centers for social work, local governments and institutions of social and child protection attended the round table entitled “Mapping the services of social protection in Montenegro“. Round table is organised within the project „Mapping the alternative social services in Montenegro“, which is still ongoing. The project is supported by the Commission for allocation of part of revenues from the games of chance.

Detalj sa okruglog stolaThe overall goal of this project is to enhance development and availability of community based services, as services available in at least restrictive environment. The research tackled the issue of development and availability of these services, which the Law on Social and Child protection divides into: services of supporting life in community, socially-educative and advisory- therapeutic services and services of accommodation (in shelter). Different actors from public and private sectors are potential providers of all these services.

The specific objectives of the research are:

  • To establish the evidence of the community based services in all local governments
  • To determine the structure of services and its providers in all local governments
  • To make the catalog (map) of community based services and its providers for all local governments (available to the public)
  • To provide recommendations aiming at re-directing future activities of all relevant social actors at the local and national level in order to improve development and availability of community based services of social protection.

Key findings of the research:

  • 284 services of social protection delivered by 175 different providers for 27 587 beneficiaries are available in Montenegro;
  • The most available services are socially/educative and advisory/therapeutic, and the least developed is the service of shelter;
  • Services are mainly initiated and developed through projects of non-governmental organizations and are thus unsustainable, suggesting the need for continuous funding of social services at the national and local levels;
  • The funding of social services will remain a permanent problem if the Ministry of Labor and Social Care does not provide funds for increasing availability and sustainability of these services. Also, local governments should regularly allocate funds for financing of social services and enable all interested actors to have an insight intothe funds planned and distributed through the local budgets. This will also contribute to the transparency of thelocal public expenditure in the field of social protection;
  • Local governments deliver only 2 services as direct providers. Their role is namely restricted to coordination and management of social services;
  • Many social actors, especially centers for social welfare and local governments still do not make a difference between social services and cash benefits, altough these are different rights. Hence, there is a need for further training of social actors about the efficient implementation of the Law on Social and Child Protection.


Press Release: Dilemmas and Deficiencies in the Implementation of the New Law to be Removed

Despite improvements, the first six months of the implementation of the new Law on Civil Servants and State Employees (LCSSE) with regard to the recruitment and promotion in state authorities was marked by the lack of preconditions and tardiness in the responses of state authorities about filling their vacancies.

Institute Alternative (IA) continuously follows implementation of the new law, with focus on the provisions regulating recruitment and promotion of civil servants and state employees, which are expected to introduce a merit-based system into Montenegrin state administration.

Since January 1, 2013, when it started implementing, this act had certain positive effects.

Internet presentation of the Human Resources Management Authority (HRMA) offers a detailed insight into the reports about testing abilities and subsequent evaluation of candidates for the job positions in state authorities.

Also, filling of vacancies in cases analyzed by the IA in terms of the time period between launching of the filling the vacancies and selection of the candidates can be assessed as efficient.

However, until July 1, 2013, not all the institutional and legal preconditions for the implementation of the law were met.

Six out of thirteen envisaged by-laws, which were supposed to further elaborate the implementation of the law, have not entered into force during the reporting period.

Although there is an increase in submission of information about civil servants and state employees into the Central Human Resources Record, this information system of the HRMA, which is a key to the human resource planning in the state administration, is still only partially updated.

By July 1, data for 7 out of almost 13 thousand servants and employees, who fall under the scope of the law, were not submitted to the system.

Capacities of institutions for the implementation of the new LCSSE and related by-laws are also insufficient.

All the envisaged job positions in the Administrative Inspection and in the HRMA were not entirely filled, but only around fifty per cent of them.

Delays in responses to the freedom of information requests, incomplete answers to these requests, as well as failures of authorities to publish the lists of their employees, hinder monitoring of the law’s implementation.

Also, there is a need for efficient oversight of the application of the act, with an aim of preventing the abuses, such as hiring people via agencies for employment mediation, which can make the obligation of testing abilities of candidates for job in state authority pointless.

Milena Milošević
Policy Analyst

Meeting with the representatives of German Ministry of Finance

The representatives of German Ministry of Finance Ms. Ingrid Roeder and Mr. Oliver Klabunde, in charge of the European Union enlargement and bilateral relations with candidate countries for the accession to the EU, visited Institute Alternative today. Mr. Olaf Poeschke, Deputy Ambassador of the Federal Republic of Germany in Montenegro, attended the meeting as well.

The aim of this visit was for the representatives of German Ministry of Finance to become familiar with the overall economic situation in Montenegro, in the light of the forthcoming processes related to the accession of Montenegro to the EU.

Representatives of Institute Alternative Jovana Marović and Marko Sošić presented our programme “Accountable Public Finances”, as well as the main issues concerning public finances reform, weaknesses of control mechanisms, and issues related to public procurements and public-private partnerships.

IA to hold a round table on mapping the social services

In order to present the Draft version of the research report “Mapping the services of social protection in Montenegro”, Institute Alternative will organize a round table On October 10 in Podgorica, in the premises of the PR Center.

Goals of the research were:

  • To determine availability of the community based services in local governments;
  • To determine (sub)types of services (according to the Law on Social and Child Protection) and structure of social service providers;
  • To create an available catalog (map) of community based services for every local government in Montenegro;
  • To recommend and re-direct future activities of all relevant social actors at national and local levels in order to improve development of social services network and enhance their availability for beneficiaries.

Round table will start with panel-discussion. Panelists panel will be from local governments which started implementing local plans for social inclusion enhancement. They will present current situation, progress and challenges in community based services development. Panelists are:

  • Ms Zlata Lukac, Director of the Center for Social Work for municipalities Bijelo Polje and Mojkovac and Coordinator of the working group for implementation of the Local Plan for development of social services- enhancement of social inclusion in the Municipality of Bijelo Polje
  • Ms Tatjana Perovic, Head of the Department for social, child and health care in the Secretariat for culture, youth, sport and social welfare in the Municipality of Niksic
  • Ms Snezana Mijuskovic, Head of the Secretariat for social welfare in the Capital city- Podgorica
  • Ms Marta Andjelic, President of the NGO Adria in Municipality of Bar

Dragana Radovic, project coordinator and author of the research report will present the draft of the report. Besides the research results, topic of the discussion will be the Law on Social and Child Protection (which came into force in June 2013), especially its provisions regulating social protection services, and also the obstacles of its development and possible solutions for improvement of services availability.

Research report is available here (draft version in Montenegrin)

Round table will be held on Thursday, October 10 at 10.00 am in PR Center (Boulevard of Josip Broz 23 A, Stari Aerodrom) in Podgorica.

For additional information please contact Dragana Radović, project coordinator on :