Inter-parliamentary conference on the Berlin Process held in Petrovac

In collaboration with our partners, the Institute for Democracy ‘Societas Civilis’ from Skopje, we organised an inter-parliamentary conference titled “The Advantages of the Berlin Process: Special Focus on the Common Regional Market.”

The conference gathered MPs from all regional parliaments, who exchanged opinions and experiences on the current state and future challenges of the Berlin Process with civil society representatives.

During the first panel, titled “The Berlin Process and Its Current State in the Western Balkans,” MPs discussed the current state and future steps for improvement.

The topic of the second panel discussion was “The Common Regional Market – What Worked Before and Challenges for Action Plan 2.0? The Position of Western Balkan Parliaments.” Panelists emphasised the importance of debating economic issues relevant to citizens and the business community in the region.

The event is part of the project “Parliamentary Diplomacy: Regional Cooperation through Enhanced Parliamentary Dialogue,” supported by the Federal Government of Germany, which aims to showcase the advantages of the Berlin Process by strengthening parliamentary diplomacy and utilising oversight mechanisms by Western Balkan parliaments.

In addition to Institute Alternative, our project partners in the region include the Institute for Democracy ‘Societas Civilis’ (IDSCS) from Skopje, the Centre for Research, Transparency and Accountability (CRTA) from Belgrade, the Kosova Democratic Institute (KDI) from Pristina, the Network of Progressive Initiatives (NPI) from Sarajevo, and the Institute for Political Studies (ISP) from Tirana.

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