IA organised two gender-budgeting trainings

Institute Alternative (IA) organised two two-day trainings under the name “Programme budgeting through gender glasses”, as a continuation of efforts to introduce the concept of gender-responsive budgeting to civil servants.

The trainings, which took place from May 27 to 30 at the Palas Hotel in Petrovac, aimed to familiarise about 30 officials with the basic concepts of gender budgeting and train them to recognise the gender component in budget programmes and their elements.

Using practical examples, participants were introduced to this concept of public finance management, and why gender-responsive budgeting is a public policy topic in general.

During the training, participants had the opportunity to define gender-responsive goals, determine gender components of budget programmes, and design activities that support gender equality. In addition, they learned about the key tools for budget utilisation and devised indicators with the help of which the success of the implemented activities can be measured.

The two-day training was attended by about 30 officials from several state institutions: Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of European Affairs, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Culture and Media, Ministry of Human and Minority Rights, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Water Management, Ministry of Justice, Ministry of Spatial Planning, Urbanism and State Property, the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare, as well as the Ministry of Transport and Maritime Affairs, the Ministry of Tourism, Ecology, Sustainable Development and Development of the North, the Judicial and Prosecutorial Council, the Railway Administration, the Administration for Forest and Hunting Management, the Red Cross of Montenegro, of the Health Insurance Fund, the Employment Agency of Montenegro, the Administration for the Execution of Criminal Sanctions, Statistical Office of Montenegro (MONSTAT) and the Pension and Disability Insurance Fund.

The training was organised by Institute Alternative within the project “Programme budgeting through gender glasses”, with the support of the Ministry of Human and Minority Rights.

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