The first module of the Public Policy school was held on March, 23 and 24 2013. Introductory theme was: “The concept and the actors of policy-making” explained to participants with more details by professor Tihomir Ziljak from the Faculty of Political Science in Zagreb.
The topic:
Policy-making process: concept and policy classification as well as policy actors in the process (government, non-government, think tanks and interest groups, etc..); Instruments and dynamics in these policies, “the Europeanization effect”, ie the extent to which the state wants to integrate into the EU policy making and targeted policies that are formed on the supranational, EU level.
The module is realized as a two-day seminar with interactive workshops in PR center in Podgorica.
The project Public Policy School is supported by Commission for the allocation of revenue from the games of chance and managed by the Institute Alternative in collaboration with the Centre for Research and Monitoring (CEMI).