Public procurement research – Round table announcement

In 2010, Institute Alternative conducted research on public procurement system in Montenegro with regard to issues of transparency and accountability. The research was conducted in the framework of the “EU Matrix – Monitoring the process of European integration with a focus on the implementation of the National Program for the integration of Montenegro into the EU”. This project is being implemented in partnership with the Monitoring Centre and the European Movement in Montenegro, with the support of the Foundation Open Society Institute – Representative Office Montenegro.

IA organizes a round table in order to present draft version of the research report, open discussion and get helpful suggestions and comments. You can download the draft version of the research report here. (version in Montenegrin only)

The round table is not limited to the topics dealt with in the draft version and provides an opportunity for a comprehensive view of the advantages and disadvantages of the legal framework and practices in the public procurement system, as well as the opportunity to jointly discuss the possibilities of cross-sectoral cooperation in this field. This round table could be an opportunity to define additional suggestions to legislators responsible for the work on amending the Law on Public Procurement.

The event is scheduled for 18 October 2010, starting at 11:00 with intended duration until 14.30 h. Venue of the event is the conference hall of restaurant Ribnica in Podgorica.

For additional information please contact associate Milica Popovic –