Freedom of press

Symbolically, on the day day of the fourth anniversary of the killing of director and main editor of daily newspaper “Dan”, the Prime Minister spoke about medias and journalism.

Instead of new informations regarding those who are behind this crime, that nobody is yet legally accused of, the Prime Minister offered his version of objective, competent, and critically oriented journalism.

Entire domestic and international public should be worried about this new Đukanović’s open call against journalism that has a critical attitude towards government.

By comparing journalist that do not go with the flow with personal symbols of well-known nationalistic parties, the Prime Minister is trying to label medias that do not fit his picture of independent journalism, as anti-systemic and anti-european.

If a Prime Minister, who is serving his fifth mandate on this function, in a country where his party exercises absolute power for decades, is so keen on reckoning with few independent medias, then it is very likely we are slipping into some kind of an attempt to establish complete control of all aspects of society.

It is possible that after this open call to confront medias and journalist, soon appear some new attacks on rights to life, privacy and peace of free journalist and other public figures. As was the case after previous announcements of the party that Đukanović leads.

Stevo Muk
The president of the executive board of Institute Alternativa