Results of the Regional Public Administration Reform Monitoring
This brief is a summary of the key findings from the comprehensive, year-long monitoring and research focused on public administration reform (PAR) done within the WeBER project - the detailed report is available in the National PAR Monitor for Montenegro while comparisons and insights regarding PAR in Western Balkan can be found in our regional report.
The focus of our interest in PAR rests strongly on the citizen-facing aspects of public administration, particularly examining issues of transparency, information provision to the public, citizen participation, accountability, equal opportunity and integrity. The report is divided into six chapters, pertaining to the core areas of PAR: 1) strategic framework for public administration reform, 2) policy development and coordination, 3) public service and human resource management, 4) accountability, 5) service delivery, and 6) public finance management.
The monitoring was done between September 2017 and September 2018. Findings predominantly relate to 2017 and the first half of 2018, except in the analysis of Government reports, where 2016 was included as the base year due to the governments’ reporting cycles. Within the indicators that monitor the regularity of reporting practices, a minimum of two years preceding the monitoring year were taken into account.