Advanced Public Policy School: Evidence and data for good governance

Seventeen representatives of state administration, media and NGOs attended a three-day training on public policy monitoring and evaluation, organized by Institute Alternative.

“Public Policy School: Monitoring and Evaluation” was held in Kolašin, on 16, 17. and 18 of June.
The theme of this year’s school is of great importance since the overall reform in Montenegro depends on the measurements of the effects of laws and strategies. And finally, our success in the reform is a condition for joining the European Union.

Through a series of lectures and through practical work with experts from the region and from Montenegro, the participants expanded their knowledge about this stage of the policy-making cycle.
“The focus of the lectures, monitoring and evaluation, is very important for all of us, both from the state administration and from the civil sector. The added value of the School is also reflected in connecting different actors and enhancing cooperation with the NGOs, “said participant Tijana Madžgalj from the Ministry of Interior.

Furthermore, the panel discussion was organized in addition to lectures. Ivan Šikmanović, representative of the Ministry of Public Administration, Vera Mijatović from the Secretariat-General of the Government, Tamara Srzentić from the Ministry of European Affairs, and Dr.Branislav Radulović, Member of the Senate of the State Audit Institute were panelists.
They discussed with participants how public administration capacities for elaboration, coordination and evaluation of public policies are still weak, and in which way EU integration influences monitoring and evaluation. They also looked at the very important issue of economic efficiency and financial sustainability of public policies in Montenegro.
School attendant, Nada Božović, from the Ministry of Sustainable Development and Tourism, highlights the significance of the organized panel discussion because of the exchange of information among the state authorities. She alse adds that “panel discussion has ‘woken us up’ and reminded us of the need for better, true inter-ministerial cooperation”.

During the last day, representatives of IA, Stevo Muk, Milena Milošević and Dina Bajramspahić, worked with the participants on the analysis of indicators for measuring the success of public policies. In addition, they presented the importance of collecting clear, precise data for the purpose of implementing quality monitoring and evaluation, which ultimately should result in corrective measures or redefinition of policies.
This is the sixth year in a row for the Institute Alternative to organize Public Policy School thanks to which more than 120 participants from different sectors have acquired practical knowledge in the field of public policy.

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