Third meeting of the Public Procurement Watchdogs

On Monday, June 3, Institute alternative organised the third meeting of the Public Procurement Watchdogs Network, where participants were presented with a new section of the Moj novac portal dedicated to public procurement.

The meeting was organised within the project “Public procurement under spotlight – Making Watchdogs Work!”, which IA conducts with the support of the Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Serbia and Montenegro within the MATRA Rule of Law program.

The meeting was attended by 20 representatives from various institutions: the Ministry of Finance, the Commission for the Protection of Rights in Public Procurement Procedures, the State Audit Institution, the Administration for Inspection Affairs, the Agency for Prevention of Corruption, the Higher State Prosecutor’s Office, and the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare.

Dragana Jaćimović, a public policy researcher at the Institute Alternative, presented the new section of the Moj novac portal, which represents an easily searchable public procurement database, for the period of the past three years. This database enables us to see who receives money through public procurement, with whom the state most frequently concludes contracts, and which enterprises have received money for goods, services, and works over the past three years.

We demonstrated all the functionalities of the portal to the meeting participants, including the ability to search for contracting authorities and bidders by name or tax identification number (TIN), review all contracts, and access statistical data on concluded contracts in relation to the procurement subject and type of procedure. Additionally, we integrated the portal with the Electronic public procurement system (CEJN) portal, allowing users to review the entire procurement process from tender announcement to contract conclusion with a single click via CEJN.

Following the presentation, members of the Public Procurement Guardians Network had several questions regarding the functionality and method of searching for information on the portal. Participants emphasised the contribution of such a portal to the work of institutions, noting that it offers functionalities not provided by the public procurement portal through which procedures are conducted.

Project Public procurements under spotlight – Making Watchdogs Work! aims to to empower and motivate watchdogs to combat corruption and undue influence in public procurement. The project specifically aims to enhance dialogue on corruption in public procurement and to encourage institutional response to corruption, as well as to influence debate on public procurement policy and legislation.

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