Video Story: How to Get a Job in the Public Sector? The Myths of Meritocracy

How difficult is it to get a job in the public sector, even when you meet all the qualifications? This is shown through the story of Hakija Marković, a machine locksmith from Plav, who applied last year for a position as a janitor and steam boiler operator at the Health Centre in Plav.

Two committees, two different interpretations of the competition requirements, and a candidate who suffers because the healthcare institution had not defined all the procedures for filling the position, while the responsible inspection claims it doesn’t have sufficient authority.

A medical certificate, which ministries require only from candidates already selected after a job announcement, proved to be an insurmountable obstacle in this public institution, to the detriment of the candidate who was just one step away from securing the job.

The video stories were created within the project “Strengthening Demand for Merit Based Recruitment: Roadmap to Meritocracy”, which Institute Alternative is implementing with the support of the British Embassy in Podgorica. The content is the sole responsibility of Institute Alternative and does not necessarily reflect the views of the donors.

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