Public Policy School – Parliamentary Edition

Institute Alternative held another Public Policy School from September 10th to 12th at the Avala Hotel in Budva, this time for representatives of the expert staff of the Parliament of Montenegro.

The goal of our School, which we have organised in different versions since 2012, is to contribute to the quality development of public policies in Montenegro by strengthening the capacities of interested actors in policy development and increasing the understanding of policy development among key stakeholders.

In this edition, we selected representatives of the Parliament’s expert staff as the School’s participants. As the role of Parliament and MPs becomes increasingly dominant in proposing new legislative initiatives, we believe it is essential for MPs to receive support from the expert services within Parliament to better connect the world of politics with the world of arguments, facts, and evidence-based approaches to policy preparation.

The School participants went through various stages of policy creation—how to structure writing, how to set up arguments, how to identify target groups, and how to determine the best solution for a given public policy.

During the School, participants had the opportunity to explore the details of the policy cycle through practical examples and learn about the best ways to influence and prepare documents in different formats, while also going through the process of designing public policy proposals through group work.

Škola javnih politika - Parlamentarno izdanje

Public Policy School was conducted within the project „Parliament for Citizens: Accountability Redefined“ implemented by Institute Alternative and supported by the National Endowment for Democracy.

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